Monday, November 23, 2009

Idiots in the Cinema...

I went to see it on Saturday night with a friend and it was the most irritating cinema experience of my life!

5 Spanish girls beside me with one acting as the translator!

And a bunch of knackers (putting it nicely!!!) sitting behind me… with some choice shouted quotes as…

‘I’d do him, so I would’ – when Lautner took off his top

‘Who’s Charlie?’ – an hour and a half into the film

‘He’s a vampire!?!’ – An hour into the film

‘Shurrrrup will ya’s!!’ – from the fellas who were watching it with them and seemed more into it than they did

And other expletives which I cannot pass on to you all through my work internet connection…

Also if you are opening a bag of sweets… surely its easier and quicker just to open them rather than spend ten minutes trying to open them ‘quietly’??????

*Le sigh* – am still waiting to hear every line from the film….

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when this happens drives me mad. Why would ya do that like its an unspoken rule ya wouldn't do that stuff in a library so why in a cinema you would think civilization had evolved beyond that behavior but i guess not :(


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